06 February 2008

San Vicente at Montana 2/6

The sign says no right turn on red, but the Entitled are not deterred.


Anonymous said...

I just have to ask, is this your full time job or something? How do you have time to do this?

Drivin' Mamma said...

Not my full time job. What you see today (14 posts) is what I was able to capture driving to and from my kids' schools and my gym today, a total of about two hours of driving. Actually there were more incidents, but I didn't capture them for one reason or another.

How do I do it? I take pictures with my Treo while I'm driving, and then when I get where I'm going, I use the messaging function to compose the posts, title them, and send them off to Blogger, where they're posted right away. As soon as I get the confirmation I delete the photo and the message from my handheld. I probably spend about half an hour each day composing and uploading these things. It's a much faster process now that I don't have to download the photos to a computer from a camera, and then upload them to the internet.

Why do I do it? Well, why not? It does keep my kids from learning how to swear like sailors from the back seat. And it channels my road rage into something ever so slightly less damaging. And some people find it amusing to read. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I think that shouldn't be news to him at this point.