29 January 2010
Kenter at the school 1/30
28 January 2010
San Vicente in the 20s 1/29
Bitch in the white Mercedes was tailgating someone when they slowed down to turn left. So she just threw her car into my lane without looking to see if anyone was already there. Fortunately I'm quick on the brake. Hey lady, what's the matter, don't the brakes on that fancy truck work?
26 January 2010
25 January 2010
Kenter from Bundy to Sunset 1/25
Tailgated relentlessly; I'd tap the brakes and she'd back off a bit and then speed up to be right on my bumper again.
San Vicente from 26th to 7th 1/22
Saturday night, older BMW filled with pimply giggling young men, blasting music, and driving all over the road. Can't stay in their lane for love nor money. On the phone, too.
22 January 2010
Bundy at San Vicente 1/22
San Vicente from 26th to 7th 1/22
Apparently the Prius is not just for the sanctimonious anymore. This guy kept speeding up so that he was less than a car's length behind the car in front of him, and edging to the right into my lane like he was going to squeeze between us. Sometimes he was so close I could have passed him a joint.
21 January 2010
San Vicente at 19th to Channel at Mesa 1/21
This limo driver, TCP 18656, tailgated every car in front of him at less than a car's length. In the rain. I'm sure Darwin's laws of evolution will take effect soon enough, but I worry for who he'll take down with him.
San Vicente from 26th to 7th 1/21
Let's see, I was doing 40mph, so these guys had to be doing at least 50mph. Yes, the speed limit is 35.
19 January 2010
17 January 2010
15 January 2010
14 January 2010
Bundy from Wilshire to Montana 1/14
She was driving all over both sides of the road, so I thought she must be newly arrived from England. Then I realized she was just another Lexus driver from Entitled who hadn't sprung for the spendy 'turn indicator' package when she screeched to an inexplicable halt in front of me.
Bundy at Montana 1/14
This woman blew past me on the right, forcing two lanes where there is only one, and then at San Vicente she drifted right from the left turn lane, forcing me to yield my right of way twice in the space of a block and a half. Why o why isn't driving while oblivious a capital offense?
13 January 2010
San Vicente at Montana 1/13
The camera on this device is slow and unreliable when it comes to shooting on the fly, so I didn't get the shot. But the driver of the Mercedes SUV ran the light. Can you imagine?
12 January 2010
San Vicente from 26th to Barrington 1/12
To be fair, the Porsche was driving perfectly innocuously. The asshole in the Mustang with the Michigan plates, however, was another story.